Peter and the Wolf 剧场版

  • 中文名: 彼德与狼
  • 话数: 1
  • 上映年度: 2006-10-23
  • 片长: 33 minutes
  • 官方网站:
  • Copyright: BreakThru Films
  • 导演: 苏西·邓普顿
  • 编剧: Sergei Prokofiev / 苏西·邓普顿
  • 类型: 剧情 / 动画 / 短片
  • 制片国家/地区: 英国 / 波兰 / 挪威 / 墨西哥


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On the edge of the vast forests of Russia, where wolves still roam, lies a little cottage surrounded by a big, high fence. This is where Peter lives with his grumpy Grandfather. Grandfather will not let Peter go out into the forest. Peter has a friend, the lovable Duck (a Runner Duck in this version), with whom he hangs around Grandfather's yard. A Bird (a Hooded Crow in this version) with a broken wing arrives in the yard. Bird is very impatient with Peter and signals to go into the forest. His heart beating fast, Peter tiptoes into the cottage and reaches over his sleeping Grandfather and the snoring, fat, pet Cat. Ever so carefully Peter takes the keys to the gate.

Peter has the time of his life playing in the forest with his friends. He helps Bird to fly, using a balloon and some rope.

Then everyone skates on the frozen lake. Everyone, that is, except Cat. She chases Bird, but is so fat that she crashes straight through the ice and into the freezing water. Grandfather awakes and sees that Peter is in the forest. Very angry, he grabs his gun and rushes outside. He grabs Peter off the ice and drags him back into the yard. Suddenly the forest goes quiet. Peter looks out through a hole in the fence and sees the Wolf on the edge of the forest. Moments later the Wolf snatches up Duck, tosses her high into the air and swallows her in a single gulp. Peter slings a heavy net over his shoulder and climbs up the tall fence and into the tall tree. Peter falls from the tree and the Wolf attacks him. Eventually, after a fierce struggle, Peter catches the Wolf.

Grandfather drives into town with the captured Wolf, Peter standing, triumphant, on top of the Wolf's cage. The town bullies arrive and tease the defenseless Wolf with a gun. After looking into the Wolf's sorry eyes, Peter opens the cage and the Wolf races back into the forest.

The ending is a complete departure from the original, in which the wolf is presumably left caged in the zoo. Throughout the later parts of the film, the duck can be heard quacking inside the wolf's belly, and is presumably still alive.




七海小枫亭 看过 @ 2024-6-1 20:00


P931 看过 @ 2024-3-2 16:47

剧情比较简单 狼的戏份其实并不多 猫弄得不够可爱 鸭子有趣可惜被吃了 动物的毛发都挺真实动作也不错 狼和男主的眼神有点相似 不过没看懂想表达什么 可能是放下仇恨吧 不过男主被弄伤了需要打疫苗吗【 总之制作还不错还算可以看吧

Sóra 看过 @ 2021-9-26 02:59


清风烟魂 看过 @ 2019-12-7 22:15


萨摩爷爷 看过 @ 2015-12-28 09:18


あかりちゃん 看过 @ 2015-4-30 20:52

乌鸦 鸭子 戏份比狼多啊

阿尔法水王 看过 @ 2015-1-5 21:00


电痉挛 看过 @ 2014-12-1 10:31


小南风 看过 @ 2014-11-20 12:24


che 想看 @ 2014-8-21 23:37


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