Bean and Nothingness 游戏

  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: PUZ
  • 游玩人数: 1人
  • 发行日期: 2021年12月1日
  • 售价: $11.99
  • 官方网站:
  • 开发: RBOR Games
  • 发行: RBOR Games
  • 游戏设计师: Nic Ford、Amanda Visconti、Michael Von Korff、Jordan Watkins、Mary Wootters


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Bean and Nothingness is a challenging, turn-based puzzle game in which you turn beans into monsters to help you -- but then these same monsters will get in your way.

Each puzzle has a set of recipes -- instructions for how to create various monsters. In the puzzle below, the books in the lower-left show that you can create the orange dinosaur-looking monster (a "roller") by combining a red and yellow bean, or the yellow circle-looking monster (a "bomb") by combining two green beans.

Putting the right combination of beans on a grassy tile and shooting it with your magic wand will create a monster. These monsters can help you -- for instance, both the roller and the bomb are capable of destroying the cracked blocks between you and the goal tile in the puzzle above. But these monsters can also get in your way -- the roller will roll at you if it sees you, and if it catches you, you'll die! Likewise, getting caught in the bomb's explosion kills you.

As you progress in the game, you'll meet new monsters (and other mechanics); for each monster, you'll have to learn how it behaves in some easy puzzles, and then move on to more difficult puzzles, where you'll have to combine the mechanics you've learned in new ways.

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www 在玩 @ 2024-2-28 00:00

靠,在Mary Wootters的主页里提到这游戏是她做的。。。。赶紧放进list玩一波。。。。coding theory大神啊

VeroKrizalid 玩过 @ 2023-6-24 10:16


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