Skullgirls 游戏

  • 中文名: 骷髅少女
  • 开发: Lab Zero Games
  • 原画: Bahi JD
  • 别名: 骷髅女孩
  • スカルガールズ
  • 平台: PS3
  • Xbox 360
  • PC
  • PS4
  • PS Vita
  • Xbox One
  • Arcade
  • Nintendo Switch
  • 游戏类型: FTG
  • 游玩人数: 1 - 2人
  • 发行日期: 2012年04月10日


/ 33人想玩 / 81人玩过 / 8人在玩 / 13人搁置 / 8人抛弃
Skullgirls is a 2D fighting game developed by Reverge Labs and published by Marvelous and Autumn Games. The game was released through the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade in North America, Europe, and Australia from April to May 2012, and later received a Japanese release by CyberFront for the PlayStation Network in February 2013. A Microsoft Windows version, developed by Lab Zero Games and co-published by Autumn Games and Marvelous, was released in August 2013. A Japanese arcade version, produced by M2 for the NESiCAxLive service, was released in 2015. A mobile spinoff of the game, developed by Hidden Variable Studios and published by Line, was released for Android and iOS devices in May 2017.
In Skullgirls, players engage in combat against one another, with teams of one, two, or three characters attempting to knock out their opponents or have the most cumulative health when time runs out. The setting of the game revolves around the "Skull Heart", an artifact which grants wishes for women. If a wisher with an impure soul uses the Skull Heart, she is transformed into the next "Skullgirl", a monster bent on destruction. Skullgirls received generally positive reviews from critics, who praised the animation and gameplay mechanics, while criticizing its limited roster size and online multiplayer features.




by 夏芽美知留 2016-12-7 17:57 (+0)
关于这款游戏有太多的话想说,多到了不知从何说起,种种思绪交错混合,干扰了从想法经逻辑编译至语言的运作的程度。受某些神秘主义的力量驱使,我不得不把这些支离破碎的念头记录下来,不明缘由的,不这样做san值就会清空,这样的恐惧在脑海中挥之不去。 姑且把它当作一篇 ... (more)



Toresuka 想玩 @ 2023-5-17 08:03


狐面佐echo 玩过 @ 2022-2-11 08:31

顶尖设计的格斗游戏 记住你可以用big band给你的对手吹一首生日歌!!

阳奈在我身上喘 玩过 @ 2020-6-20 00:51


FATE&SOUL 21 玩过 Skullgirls 2nd Encore @ 2020-1-21 13:33


透明的阿春 玩过 @ 2019-8-13 04:15


张fly 玩过 @ 2019-8-7 19:04


神罚 玩过 @ 2017-4-15 15:45

最早的时候是因为某个黄色小swf认识的这其中的一个角色 人物非常精致 但是多达6个按键还有各种组合的复杂操作让我望而却步 本来想依靠教程关熟悉一下游戏 结果搓了10分钟也没有达成目标 大概这游戏也不是为键盘设计的吧 反正特价买的 也无所谓亏不亏了 7分

神代フラウ 玩过 @ 2016-1-13 00:00


ichi 玩过 Skullgirls Encore @ 2015-7-15 16:36


永无乡的迷路人 玩过 @ 2015-6-10 21:08


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