ARK The Animated Series WEB

  • 中文名: 方舟
  • 话数: 6
  • 放送开始: 2024年3月21日
  • 放送星期: 星期四
  • 在线播放平台: Paramount+


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    Helena Walker, an Australian paleontologist on 21st-century Earth, becomes a grieving widow after the death of her wife, Victoria. One night, after drowning her sorrows in pills and wine, she wakes up suddenly to find herself in the middle of a vast ocean. Escaping from a large, charging shark, she soon washes up ashore on a strange island. Once there, she befriends a wild Dodo, only to discover it was being hunted by a Human male tribe hunter named Bob. After discovering the two arrived to this world in the same manner, Bob teaches Helena the way of survival.

    With this strange new world filled with dinosaurs, strange technology, and warring tribes, Helena will do what it takes to survive and hopefully find a way to return to her world, earning new allies and making new enemies along the way.

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    浅鲤 搁置 @ 2024-3-31 15:37


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