怒首領蜂 大復活 游戏

  • 中文名: 怒首领蜂 大复活
  • 开发: ケイブ
  • 音乐: 並木学
  • 人物设定: 緒方剛志
  • 别名: DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu
  • Do-Don-Pachi Dai-Fukkatsu
  • 平台: Nintendo Switch
  • Arcade
  • Xbox 360
  • iOS
  • Android
  • PC
  • 游戏类型: STG
  • 游玩人数: 1~2
  • 发行日期: 2008年5月22日
  • 游戏设计师: Manabu Namiki


/ 33人想玩 / 83人玩过 / 12人在玩 / 7人搁置 / 6人抛弃
Do-Don-Pachi Dai-Fukkatsu (怒首領蜂 大復活 - lit. Angry Leader Bee Great Resurrection) is the fifth arcade game in Cave's DonPachi series.
The game was publicly unveiled at AOU2008 Amusement EXPO.


After the turmoil caused by the assault on Lunapolis which sparked the "Blissful Death Wars" (as depicted in the previous installment), peace seems to have been restored, with the legendary DonPachi Corps retreating to its HQ in a space-time fold. Six years later, anomalies are detected in the space-time fabric, yet tests reveal nothing out of order, with the portals regularly functioning for both teleportation and time travel; also, the leader of the DonPachi squadron Colonel Longhena Gottvin dismisses the matter due to the lack of actual danger.
Nevertheless, a technician delves deeper into the anomaly, discovering that something has infiltrated the HQ computer systems and is using the portals to send large quantities of materials and data to the past, spreading out like a virus and quickly evolving. In an ironic twist, the virus is discovered to be the program originally installed in the Element Dolls six years ago, now reaching beyond the DonPachi Corps programming and seeking to annihilate the human race in retaliation for their "enslavement" (after the war, they were sealed on the Moon) by waging war in the past rather than in the present: unsettled, the Colonel authorizes the last transport ship to time jump in order to fight back the invasion before future changes. However, he states: "Start over from the past... I never thought of that", echoing the ideas of mankind's imperfection which has always been a recurring theme in the series.
And once again, the three pilots jump back in time to 2008 and enter the fray, the transport ship being targeted as soon as it exits the portal: the Element Daughters, gigantic evolutions of the Dolls, are awaiting...
The bee is still humming.



买买买 周防天音 0 replies 2016-10-16
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惠灵顿三分熟 玩过 @ 2023-6-8 19:40


Goldia 玩过 @ 2022-5-28 23:03


小鸡法师 搁置 @ 2021-11-22 19:17


南魔法翁头 玩过 @ 2021-8-25 22:04


Killy 在玩 @ 2021-6-11 21:26


flankoi 玩过 @ 2019-11-9 00:32

当初は前作「大往生」からのあまりに豪快な路線変更に戸惑ったシューターも多かったが、現在は「初心者から上級者まで楽しめる難易度」を極めた一品と評価されており、 一時期の「高難易度至高路線」のSTGを敬遠していたプレイヤーでも楽しめる作品になっている。

w2jmoe 玩过 @ 2017-10-3 17:00


Kamiya 玩过 @ 2017-7-8 16:26


幽灵3383 玩过 @ 2017-7-1 07:40


煙る 在玩 @ 2016-8-31 06:46


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